Friday 9 August 2013


Our plane just crashed landed on the island today.I met a boy.His knees were plump,had scratches all over.he wore glasses,looked fat to me,and he was so annoying.He kept following me and asking me questions.He said he had asthma,talked about his auntie.His name was piggy!
Well we did come to a conclusion that there was not any adults.No adults!Oh,i forgot to mentioned that we found this very interesting shell lying on the beach,the boy says it is a conch.It was deep cream,touched here and there with fading pink.
He suggested that we blow it so that other boys on the island would come.I found it amusing and so i blew it.Many boys came out of the jungle.We made quite a lot of friends.Some boys were short and others around my height.Most of the boys were around my age.There were some littleluns.Then there was this guy named Jack,his hair was red in colour and he had freckles.He wore a cloak and a cap.
He and his choir members came marching towards us.Then suddenly there was one choir  boy who fainted,named Simon.I told Piggy to write their names down.The first thing we decided to do was ask their names so that we would know how to address them.Jack called piggy 'fatty',but in my opinion 'piggy' is a nicer name.The name suits him so well,then again...i never asked him fro his real name.Well,who cares?Piggy is good enough. HaHa!After i corrected Jack,laughter could be heard everywhere.Jack suggested we decide about being rescued.But the way i see it,we needed a chief.Hence,i suggested picking a chief.Jack wanted to be chief.However,Roger suggested we vote.After all the voting,majority chose me as the chief,i was shock and proud.I felt bad towards Jack.I decided to leave the choir to him,since he was the head of them already.To me they seem to be like an army,they would ,make good soldiers.They could protect us and hunt for us too.Well,at least in that way i would not feel bad for Jack.The first thing to do was survey the area to see if it was an island and whether we could be rescued in any way.To do that i picked Jack and Simon.Piggy wanted to come,but i knew if he came.He would be begging for us to stop and we would not be able to get any further than a few steps.Piggy whined,he was like at the verge of tearing.I had to do something,so i told him straight out we needed him to take care of the rest,it wasn't a complete lie.It was just so,he would leave us alone.So here we are stuck on the hill still not sure if it is an island.I have to go now,the boys are far in front now...

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